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From: Iain Carlisle <[email protected]>
Date: 20 March 2013 15:20
Subject: ACNI Musical Instruments for Bands
To: Iain Carlisle <[email protected]>
Date: 20 March 2013 15:20
Subject: ACNI Musical Instruments for Bands
To: Iain Carlisle <[email protected]>
Dear All,
The Arts Council of Northern Ireland have confirmed that they will again run the Musical Instruments for Bands Funding Scheme this year.
The scheme will open on April 8th with a deadline for applications of April 25th. All details will appear on the Arts Council's website.
NB. ****Please note the scheme is not yet open and the forms on the website at the moment relate to 2012****
USCN will arrange information evenings to assist bands wishing to apply – details to follow and will be circulated via email and our facebook page and website.
Iain Carlisle
Ulster-Scots Community Network
68 – 72 Great Victoria Street