From: Iain Carlisle <>
Date: 16 August 2012 11:44
Subject: IFI Community Leadership Programme
To: Iain Carlisle <>
Dear All,
Please find below some information on the IFI Community Leadership Programme which has been extended for one more year.
Expressions of interest are now invited from groups who can provide 5 people to undertake the programme (12 month period with approximately 11 sessions)
More information can be found at The closing date for expression of interest forms is 31 August 2012.
Free leadership training and a bursary of £2,500 or €2,750 for an action learning project for your community group.
Recruitment for this year of the IFI Community Leadership Programme (CLP) is now open. Please send your expression of interest to NICVA now.
Who’s it for?
• Groups based in Northern Ireland and the six southern Border counties – Sligo, Louth, Leitrim, Monaghan, Cavan and Donegal.
• Grass roots community groups that work with the whole community (not single issue groups).
• Community groups that are willing to show leadership in their community and are committed to local regeneration and development
• Group leadership ie Board/committee members
What does your group get?
• Eight action learning sessions with a dedicated facilitator for your group.
• Support with your governance through the governance health check, bespoke training and an action plan. Some groups can also have their governing documents reviewed or drafted.
• Ongoing support and advice from NICVA, including a year’s free membership.
• One year free subscription to Grant Tracker/Funding Point, online funding databases.
• Networking at three roundtable workshops with others from the CLP.
• Accreditation for five participants from your group in the Institute of Leadership and Management Award in leadership level 3.
• Bursaries for up to two people from the group for the Certificate in Management Practice from University of Ulster.
• Maximum bursary of £2,500/€2,750 for an action-learning project.
Further information and expression of interest forms are available on www. or by emailing
Groups interested in the 2012/2013 programme should complete an expression of interest form by 31 August 2012 and return to or CLP Coordinator, NICVA, 61 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast, BT15 2GB. A member of NICVA staff will then contact you and if suitable send you an application form to complete.