The meaning of the word "Bigot" There is a concerted and deliberate attempt in our land today, to frighten Bible believing Protestants into silence, and to make them ashamed of their glorious Reformation Heritage, by calling them BIGOTS, whenever they dare to speak out against the betrayal of' their faith. The Ecumenists, Charismatics, Modernists and Liberals, want to use BIGOT as a term of abuse, but when you understand the true meaning, you will gladly wear the name- tag with pride. During, the days of the Reformation when the Roman Catholic Queen "Bloody" Mary burned 300 Protestants alive at.'the stake for refusing to give up their Reformed Faith and the Open Bible-, these brave martyrs not only endured physical but also"Mental torture. They were paraded through the streets and made to wear yellow robes, and pointed hats with flames and devils painted on them; these were the "garments of shame". When they were chained to the stake, and the faggots (firewood) piled, around them, they were given one last chance to recant,(give up, their faith). The evil priests-and monks of Rome would hold up the Host Wafer and Crucifix, and demand that the Protestants worship these idols. "Turn or Burn" was the option. The Reformers bravely replied "By God's grace we will stand for Jesus contend. for the faith and never give in to the Pope of Rome. The Papists started to call them "BI-GODITES", as a term of abuse and over the years it became shortened to BIGOTS. When your enemies call you faithful Protestants BIGOTS to day, do not be embarrassed or shamed into silence. BIGOT IS A BADGE OF HONOUR NOT OF SHAME - if it was good enough for the Protestant Martyrs who were burned alive rather than give in to Popery it is good enough for us their descendants today.
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