Ulster-Scots & Irish Unionist Resource response to UPMJ on Ulster Independence

Tim, there is alot of merit in the independence issue. But firstly I must question a four county sovereign state.
The experience of Donegal Protestans and Unionists at the time of parition, as well as the other two Ulster counties that ended up being part of the Republic and the
other minority Southern unionists would lead me to say NO to a redrawing of the border.
Whilst there would have been a 200,000 unionist majority in a 9 county Ulster, we opted for an 800,000 majority in a 6 county Ulster. This seems to have been a wise decision on our leaders part.

However, this sundering of the unionst people brought much heart ache and distress
to the Unionists left out in the cold and forced to deal with the ethnic cleansing of the time.
Hence the huge reduction in the number of Protestants in the Republic since partition.
It is possible to put a figure of about 150,000 protestants migrating to Ulster, the UK mainland or emigrating to the US, Canda, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa
within a short space of time after patition. There are many accounts of families leaving in
the middle of the night under the safety of darkness with only the few possessions that they could carry
and heading across the border to Belfast, Portadown and elsewhere. Some settled with friends and relatives or were welcomed into the community by complete strangers. Others got the ferries to Glasgow and Liverpool or headed for the New Worlds.
No. To split the unionist community once again would be disastrous.

Either we sell independence as a peaceful solution for a 6 county Northern Ireland within some sort of federal British Isles with the consent of nationalists.
Or we continue on within the union until such time as there may be a nationalist majority.
I would rather be a unionist within a united ireland, re-united with other southern unionists, promoting unionist/ulster-scots/orange/loyalist culture and heritage and ensuring a devolved parliament in Belfast
than in a four county independent state.. (Except I live in Co. Tyrone, so I would not be in the four county state as there is a natiionalist majority
here. SF/IRA man Martin McGuinness is supposedly my MP. although i wrote a letter to a westminster politician last year and they said it was a matter for my MP and forwarded the letter to Martin Mcguinnes. I never heard from him)

As an ethnic minority population we would be eligable for Irish, British, EU and American Grants for the promotion of peace and the advancement of Ulster-Scots/Unionist culture and pursue the many cases of injustice through the EU court of Human rights.

The UPMJ on Independence.

The U.N. Charter paragraphs 1 to 3 covers most aspects, but the big question
COULD we win the vote and would it be a four county sovereign state? I
believe the answer to both is a yes. All I can say is read Two or Three


Independence may at this juncture not be the most popular solution, it is
nonetheless the correct solution and course of action for the peoples of
Northern Ireland to consider, only Independence will bring true citizenship
to the peoples. Independence will not diminish or devalue our Britishness
nor our cultural links with Britain, what it would achieve is the removal of a
forced political annexation with the Republic of Ireland.

What could a sovereign State provide for the peoples of Northern Ireland
that the present Union or for that matter a United Ireland not provide?
INDEPENDENCE, the right to decide for ourselves, to control our own destiny
and be free of political interference from Westminster and Dublin.
Being an "integral" part of the UK (Gt. Britain AND Northern Ireland) has
brought the peoples of Northern Ireland nothing but 2nd class citizenship
and trouble from Irish terrorists. The present day political (setup) is allowing
the governments of the U.K. and the R.O.I. (via the Good Friday Agreement)
to politically coerce the peoples into a united Ireland. This act will keep the
peoples of Northern Ireland as 2nd class citizens and start an inevitable

Some are of the opinion that the creation of a sovereign state would do no
more than help the Republicans achieve their aim, that it would be no more
than a stepping stone to a United Ireland? IF this were true and we held a
referendum would the Republicans and Nationalists vote for an Independent
Sovereign State in the belief that they could, at a later date "take the
North" or that WE would be of the disposition to appeasement and
capitulationgreater than that of the present day British Government?

Independence would not remove British and Irish influence from our political
system but it would remove Westminster and Dublin interference and their
ability to move the political goal posts when it is in their National self
interest to do so (which in most cases is to the detriment of the peoples of
N.I.) this form of political manoeuvring would no longer be possible, OUR
sovereign state could deny or grant any representation made to it, that is
what independence is all about, having a political veto and the right to

If we are of the belief that we are a (free people) why are we governed from
Westminster (direct rule) and now also Dublin (cross border institutions), I
would call this joint authority which is a pseudonym for joint sovereignty.
It is worthwhile to remember that the abolition of Stormont by the British
government was at the behest of the minority, where was democracy when the
majority said NO to abolishment? Why MUST we have terrorists in government,
where is democracy now? Independence will restore democracy to our country
and government.

I believe that the peoples of Northern Ireland do not wish to be in the
position where they are controlled and manipulated or economically deprived
and socially engineered by other nations. I know that Independence is not a
cure all solution but it would most certainly bring to an end the farcical
Union between Gt. Britain AND Northern Ireland. The many acts of betrayal we
been subjected to by EVERY Prime minister and the present day duplicity of
British and Irish politicians is in itself reason enough for the peoples to
seek independence, a sovereign state to secure their very existence's as a
peoples and the continuance of their culture and heritage.

The Westminster mandarins have already set in motion the wheels to bring to
an end the non existent Union via the Good Friday Agreement, which is
foreseen by many to culminate in a united Ireland. Politically, Britain
wishes to be rid of the problem they created, it is in their national self
interest to do so. The annexation of Northern Ireland by the Republic of
Ireland is politically the better option for Britain for many reasons.
It is not possible for me to explain all the reasons in detail, it would be
suffice to state that a United Ireland would give the Republicans everything
they want including the opportunity to ethnically cleanse all that is not
Irish, this is not an unfounded fear but a present day reality.
Britain, if it were of a mind to, would have the opportunity to financially
strangle the New United Ireland (pay back time) but they won't do any such
thing, in fact they would go out of their way to ensure that our transition
into a United Ireland and subjugation would be a total success, this of
course would be proof that everyone else was right and that our fears were
foolish and unfounded. (we know just how we would be treated)

The very people who for over thirty years have bombed OUR Country and
murdered OUR people, who have no respect for OUR culture or heritage are now
in government North and South of the border. Should we fail to create a
Sovereign State then these evil men and women will decide OUR fate and
control OUR destiny?

Independence would deny Irish republicans and nationalists the very thing
they have murdered so many people for, it would not be possible for a
terrorist organisation (no matter how well organised) to bring about the
down fall of a new Sovereign Nation, the international community could never
allow that to happen. It would also allow Britain to be rid of the (problem) they
created but not without recompense and the fulfilment of their obligations
under international laws via the united nations charter.

Independence is for all, for the people who want peace, it is for those who
wish above all to be governed by the people of Northern Ireland, to have
their own government where the elected members deal with the everyday
problems of governing the people. The politics of maintaining the union or
to bring about a united ireland would not be an issue, the intent of the Irish
government taking the six counties and that of the British government
handing them over would be brought to an end.

Both governments would have an obligation to the people of Northern Ireland
and the United Nations to ensure that the transition to independence is
completed in every aspect.
Here is an extract from United Nations charter.

1. The subjection of peoples to alien subjugation, domination and
exploitation constitutes a denial of fundamental human rights, is contrary to the
Charter of the United Nations and is an impediment to the promotion of world peace and

2. All peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right
they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their
economic, social and cultural development.

3. Inadequacy of political, economic, social or educational preparedness
should never serve as a pretext for delaying independence."



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