Londonderrys Loyalist Fountain Estate under Siege

From UTV:

Earlier today, it emerged that Sinn Fein representatives in Londonderry had criticised
nationalists who were involved in recent street clashes in the city. An open letter, signed
by Sinn Fein minister Martin McGuinness, national chairman Mitchell McLaughlin,
Assembly member Mary Nelis and 10 city councillors, distanced republicans from
clashes near the loyalist Fountain estate.

The letter said: ``Attacks that took place on Tuesday and other recent times on the
Fountain estate by a number of young thugs intent on doing damage are unacceptable
and must not be tolerated. ``These individuals are not republicans or nationalists and
should not be given the dignity of such descriptions. ``Sinn Fein is an Irish republican
party founded on the principles of unity of Catholic, Protestant and Dissenter.
``Sectarianism is the antithesis of everything that republicanism espouses and we reject
attempts to portray those who participate in acts of sectarianism as representing any
shade of republicanism. ``The Sinn Fein leadership and all its elected representatives
in Derry are calling on those responsible for recent sectarian attacks to desist from
such actions. They are wrong, unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.`` The statement
was issued last night just hours before further violence erupted in Nailor`s Row.

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