Welcome. This section contains various articles on the history of Ulster, Ireland & Britian. 

Boer War  A article about the brave hearts of the Boer War. 
Royal Irish Rifles - WW1  Royal Irish Rifles - No Man`s Land Truce XMas Day 1914. 
Volunteers  An article about the Irish and Ulster Volunteers on the eve of WW1. 
UVF and MI5  UVF and MI5: the double life of Q 1914 - 1916. 
MI5 in WW2  MI5 guarded Irish war neutrality. 
Shankill  The history of the Shankill. 
Secret History  'A Secret History of the IRA': An Unfinished Conflict. 
Home Rule  An article about Irish Home Rule Parliament. 
Ulster Politics  Sectarian Divisions of Ulster Labour Politics 1885-1906. 
The 13 Apprentice Boys  Article on the13 Apprentice Boys who shut the gates of Derry which resulted in The Siege of Deery 1688 - 1689. The longest Siege in the British Isles. 
King Billy  A look at the history of King William, Battle of the Boyne and the historical tours available in Ireland today. 
South Derry Leaguers  An article about the United Irish League in (London)Derry. 
Tyrone Leaguers  An article about the United Irish Leaguersin Tyrone. 
Protestant Exodus  An article about the Exodus of 150,000 Protestants from the Republic of Ireland after partition. 
Irish in the CSA  An article about the Irish (particularly Scotch-Irish) in the Confederate States. 
Scots Cause the US Civil War  An article about the role of Scots in the US Civil War. 
The Scullabogue Massacre  An article about the massacre at Scullabogue in 1798. 
1690 Facts  Did you know that a report of King Billy's death was celebrated in Paris before news of his victory at the Battle of the Boyne reached the French capital?. 
Ulster Scots Part 1   Facts about the Ulster Scots Part 1. 
Ulster Scots Part 2   Facts about the Ulster Scots Part 2.  
Ulster Scots Part 3   Facts about the Ulster Scots Part 3 - Scotch-Irish settlers in America. 
Ulster Scots Part 4   Facts about the Ulster Scots Part 4 - Scotch-Irish settlers in America. 
Ulster Scots Part 5   Facts about the Ulster Scots Part 5 - Scotch-Irish founders of Nashville. 
Scots Settlers in Ireland   Facts about the Scots settlers in Ireland. 
Irish Races   The tribes, races and creeds of the island of Ireland over 8000 years. 
The Defenders   The Rise of the Defenders 1793 - 1795. 
ANZAC Day   Australia and New Zealands War Rememberance Day. 
The Irish In Britian   The Irish in Britian 1750 - 1922. 
The Kingdom of Strathclyde   The history of the Kingdom of Strathclyde. 
Free State Anti-Semitism   Free State used Nazi ruling to bar Jews. 
Irish timeline  Comprehensive Irish history timeline. 
Fenian  A definition and history of the word "fenian". 

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